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True Freedom

Writer's picture: Rena GrootRena Groot

Updated: Jun 19, 2024

Do you ever wish the storms of life were over? That all the pain and suffering and insanity around you was gone? A group of people who lived thousands of years ago would agree with you. They would understand. They were slaves in ancient Egypt. They cried to God for freedom from bondage for years. Did they wonder why He didn’t seem to listen to their cries?

The day came when all heaven broke loose. God did astounding miracles to set people free. God gave Moses clear instructions for the people. A lamb had to be slain. Its blood on the doorposts was the only thing that would keep the angel of death away. The night that meant death for some meant freedom and life for others. In what must have seemed an instant, they were free. Free to walk out of slavery.

Jesus is our lamb. His blood over the door of our hearts causes eternal death to pass over us. It is only the good news of the gospel that makes Good Friday good. As slaves of sin, we could never meet God’s standards of perfect holiness. We needed a Savior. So He came. Willingly. To die. For freedom. For us.

Three days after Christ was crucified, the stone was rolled away from Jesus’ tomb to reveal an empty grave. Death was defeated. Death turned into everlasting life. That was just the beginning. We have been given the chance to be free from a bondage far more insidious and horrific than the ancient Hebrews faced. Death was defeated on the cross for all who would choose to embrace everlasting life. Sinners turned into saints. All who accept this gift of mercy have been set free. Lives have been transformed for thousands of years by the power of God. Only the blood of the perfect, sinless Lamb of God could purchase our freedom. True freedom.

What Christ accomplished on Calvary on Good Friday—thousands of years ago--was the most powerful act of freedom this world has ever witnessed. The Passover lamb freed us from captivity to sin, the grave, and eternal Hell. He alone has the authority to defeat and deliver us from the wages of sin. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

One glorious day, King Jesus will return for all who love Him. Then we will be finally and forever free. Free from sin. Free from the bondage of corruption. Free from all the evil and madness of this life. But, until then, we celebrate and rejoice in the Passover Lamb who redeemed us from the destruction of sin. Blessings, Beloved of God. Yes, that's you. He loves you more than you can imagine.

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