"The just shall live by faith." Romans 1:17 What powerful words. These words ignited the heart of Martin Luther and sparked the Reformation. After centuries of darkness the church finally saw a ray of light and hope. But what does it mean to live by faith?
I think the answer is simple. The baby in this photo has complete dependence and faith in their father. Everything this child needs will be looked after. The child has no stress or worry. Do we have the same complete faith and trust in our Heavenly Father?
I attended seminary—the Canadian Baptist Seminary—without really understanding God's purpose for me to be there. It was faith that God was leading that gave me a ray of hope when someone asked why I was continuing to learn. A woman in her eighties pointed out I was getting older. I guess she assumed I hadn't noticed. It was faith that I heard from God that kept me there.
Once someone asked a very different elderly lady why she bothered to study the Bible so fervently. What was the point? I love her reply. She said she was cramming for the finals.
So what is God saying to us? So many things. We are His beloved children. It doesn't matter what others say—what God says is important. Our hope and trust and faith must be entirely in Him and His leading in our lives.
We need to have faith that He who has begun a good work in us will complete it. No worries. We can walk by faith and rest in the knowledge that God is not finished with us. Jesus asked, "When the Son of Man returns will He find faith on the Earth?" Matthew 25:31 May we live by faith in the Son of God. Trust Him. He loves you. His plans for you are beyond your wildest imagination and reach far into eternity. Blessings, Beloved of God.