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The Good Steward

Updated: Aug 27

I met Petri in Israel in 2015 at a Bridges For Peace Conference.  I am honored to introduce you to her ministry, The Good Steward. Here are Petri's words. "The Good Steward concept is an endeavour that was placed delicately upon our hearts by our wondrous Saviour. It was conceived in love for two groups of people : Firstly, the current site hopes to aid new believers to navigate the daunting din of this modern digital age in which information is slung at us from all directions! Our prayer is that this collection of condensed and proven good stewardship sources will make the task more manageable.

Secondly, our further prayerful aspiration is that the website will serve to motivate others to use the framework and any other content that they wish to retain and personalize it by adding their own trusted local suppliers and sources.  We would love to assist in that undertaking. The sites have the potential to serve as a spiritual will and testament that will live on for family and friends when we have departed this world."

Here are some highlights from the site.

There are assembled resources for you here for your spirit that are designed to be helpful with creative quiet times, Bible study, and discernment when navigating the web.

You can also invigorate your soul with helpful content in relation to news, education, travel with purpose, events, outings, finance, conservation, prudent donations, Berean book and movie lists, articles, and courses.

There are interesting ideas about how to take proper care of your body with morning stretch routines, helpful diet and skin care information, and a network of professional suppliers.

Here is a link to the website.

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Rena, thank you for this beautiful post ! The tears well in my eyes while typing this response. May our Lord and Saviour be glorified by this labour of love and your many labours and may they be blessed with eternal value .

Your forever friend


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It is my honor to tell others about your beautiful ministry. May God bless you and use your ministry to bless many.

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