What would it be like to face death? Despite a tragic near-death motorcycle accident, God has used Sheila Preston Fitzgerald's life to turn a tragedy into triumph. She is alive today thanks to the grace of God. But, this hasn't been easy. Sheila has endured several years of excruciating pain, numerous surgeries, unending daily physical therapy, and the ever-present risk of serious setbacks.
One Foot in Heaven recounts Sheila's journey from the night that changed everything to her spiritual healing with the Savior. She passes along incredible hope to others as she walks with one foot in heaven. Despite the toll this took on Sheila’s life, her book shows us her determination to go on, her passion for life, and the above-and-beyond love of her friends.
In spite of horrific losses in her life, Sheila found hope amid the hopelessness. Her miraculous story reveals how God healed her from the inside out. It will leave you laughing and crying. In today’s world, everyone needs encouragement, hope, passion and purpose. Sheila delivers that, and so much more. Sheila has a gift of bringing hope, healing, encouragement, and purpose — regardless of one’s age or stage of life. She is a speaker, author, and tragedy coach.
Sheila has appeared on numerous TV, video, and podcast shows shining the light of Jesus to the world. With more than a decade of recovery from horrific trauma that affected every aspect of her life, Sheila uses her vast personal experience to gracefully coach others through trauma and adversity. You truly can live a life filled with hope and joy. Some topics she has available include Triumph Over Tragedy, Overcoming Hardships, A Joy-Filled Journey, Stopping Difficult Days from Becoming Difficult Seasons, This Little Light of Mine, Courage!, Hope in the Hopeless, Letting Go, What’s My Purpose?, Why God, Why?, Choose Happy Not Crappy©, From Victim to Victory, Your Are Not Your Limitations.
“When I first met Sheila all I could see was pure joy. It radiated off of her like a light! And that is what she is. Encouraging others to find peace and joy in and through the suffering. She is a pillar of hope to all!” ~ Crystal Rome Music Artist & Podcast producer The Unbreakable Soul
“Sheila Preston Fitzgerald radiates light and hope in our world where darkness seems to take so much. Her attitude, stemming from her incredible faith, cannot help but inspire everyone who encounters her. Sheila’s misfortunes could have taken her joy and livelihood, but instead she let God take hold of her story and transform it into a powerful testimony. Now she encourages others to follow her incredible example.” ~ Ginny Priz, Co-Host of Bloom Today TV Show
This is a story Sheila sent me for you, called BEST DATE EVER
As I drove home, winding through the beautiful back roads of rural Tennessee, I began to cry. I had no idea why. For me, when that happens, it usually means God wants my attention and I’d best listen. The non-audible conversation went much like this:
God: What day is it?
Me: Aaaa…Wednesday.
God: What time is it?
Me: (looking at the clock on the car) Aaaa… 8:30 p.m.
God: Does any of that mean anything to you?
Me: Ummm…no, not really.
God: What’s todays date?
Me: September 28th.
God: Is it coming together for you?
Me: Oh, my gosh! YES!
Tears ran down my face as I realized that the next day would mark eleven years since the accident that forever changed my life. The tears continued to fall as I spent the remainder of my drive home in conversation with the Lord. The last thing He spoke to my heart was, “I’ve got something special for you tomorrow.” My heart leapt as I realized I had completely forgotten about the anniversary of the accident. God never did.
I awoke the next morning earlier than normal as I had an extremely long workday ahead of me. As I drove to the salon, I felt an anxiousness in my heart - a happy excitement. I arrived early to work, and enjoyed the quiet time as I prepared for a long day. I had a few minutes to spare, and as I often do, I prayed. My heart flip-flopped when another non-audible conversation transpired. This time, it was Jesus speaking to my heart.
Jesus: I would like to have a date with you.
Me: Really?
Jesus: Yes. Meet me tonight, 8:30 at the scene.
Me: Knowing exactly what He meant by “the scene” I replied, okay!
It was short. It was sweet. And I was super excited. For the next fourteen hours I repeatedly told myself, “I have a date with Jesus tonight!”
I shared my early-morning invitation with a couple of clients. They too were excited for me. One was particularly cute. As she handed me a box of tissues she said, “You might need these tonight.”
When my workday was finally complete, I pulled up to the “T” intersection at exactly 8:30 p.m. Oddly, there wasn’t a single car in sight. Weird. When the red light turned green, I drove through the intersection and found a place to park in a small alcove that faced the scene of the accident. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I began with a prayer of thanksgiving. The tears fell as I thanked God for never leaving my side. Though the suffering has yet to cease, and it may never cease this side of Heaven, I thanked God for giving me the strength to endure.
It got really quiet as I continued to sit in my car, in the dark, watching car after car go through the intersection. Again, I felt the non-audible voice speak to my heart: “I want you to see what happened the night of the accident through MY eyes.”
Little by little, step by step, Jesus slowly took me through the events of what happened the night of the accident. “See that car? They turned that way. And that one? They didn’t see you at all.” I watched cars move through the intersection as every detail of my accident played out before me. I watched as my body was crushed and thrown into the air like a rag doll, and then came crashing down onto the pavement. A deputy sheriff’s car sat at the red light as Jesus continued walking me through the night of the accident. He allowed me to see the intersection full of cars and people, first responders, and emergency vehicles. It was complete chaos. It was like a real-life movie unfolding right before me. Then I saw it. The Trinity. They were there. God gently cradled me in His lap, Jesus knelt beside me, and Holy Spirit was all around me. The next thing Jesus showed me was an aerial view of the pool of blood on the pavement; my body lying in that pool of blood - my blood.
With snot, bubble blowing cries, I asked, “Why? Why did I have to see that?” “Because it was then that you fully surrendered your life to ME. Not until you were empty, could I fill you with MY life-saving, life-cleansing blood.” For the first time in my life, I finally understood the power of Jesus’ blood. My tears continued to fall, but they were somehow different. They were grateful, joy-filled tears.
Again, I heard Jesus speak to my heart:
Jesus: Let’s celebrate! Let’s mark this moment with communion.
Me: Ummm… I don’t have any elements for communion. All I have is a bottle of water.
Jesus: (with a smile in His voice) You do remember my first public miracle, yes?
Me: Oh, yeah! Water to wine. But I don’t have any bread.
Jesus: Yes, you do.
Me: Ummm….no, I don’t.
Jesus: Look in the side of your tote bag.
I dug into the side pocket and pulled out a paper towel. It contained a small chunk of baguette bread. It had been such a crazy day that someone brought me a cup of soup for lunch. I had no idea they put the chunk of bread in my bag!
Did my water turn into wine? No. It didn’t have to. The elements are simply symbols that represent Jesus’ body that was broken and blood that was poured out for our sins on the cross.
I did not want our time to end, but I knew our date was coming to a close. I also knew I would never partake of communion the same way again. I sat there a bit longer, thanking God for choosing me. As I wiped my tears and collected the pile of used tissues, I heard it.
I looked out the front windshield of my car, and up in the night sky was a Life Flight helicopter. As it passed over, Jesus spoke to my heart, “Give me your heart, and I’ll give you life.”
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
I surrendered once again as Jesus repeated the words He told me eleven years prior.
“Don’t be afraid. We’ve got you. You’re gonna be okay.”
You don’t have to experience a life-altering or tragic event to hear what Jesus has to say to you. You need only to have a willing heart.
Are you willing?
Can you hear God speak to your heart?
What is He saying to you?
What is He calling you to do?
Father God,
Thank You for never giving up on us. Thank You for Your will for our lives. May we be intentional with our ears and with our hearts as You speak to each of us. Your will be done. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Sheila's book, One Foot in Heaven, can be bought here at Amazon.