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Writer's pictureRena Groot

Lies, Myths, and Facts

Updated: Oct 24, 2024

This inspirational music video was produced in the Caesarea Amphitheatre by over 1000 Israelis. Some are the families of those held hostage by Hamas Terrorists.

There are many myths surrounding the land of Israel and the Palestinian conflict. WHat is the truth? I recently heard an excellent sermon on the subject by Dr. Daniel Robitshek. I am sharing a few points from his message and my thoughts on the matter based on my research.

Lies are fabrications pretending to be truth. Myths are lies that are told often enough they are believed to be truth. Truth is based on what is real - people, places, things, events. The first witness to the truth of the existence of God and His Word is the Jewish people.

Jews were scattered from Israel to the ends of the earth because of their disobedience to God. They broke the Covenant He established with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But God's Covenant with Israel is eternal and irrevocable. It can be violated by the Jews but it cannot be broken by God.

God in His kindness said one day He would bring the Jews back to their land. This happened. Israel has been restored as a nation. He promises to one day take their hearts of stone and give them hearts of flesh. One day they will recognize their true Messiah. The Jewish presence on the land proves the existence of God and His Word.

This verse was written to Israel, however, if you are a believer in Jesus the Messiah, you are included in God's Covenant to the Jews, and you are the second witness to the truth. But, there is a problem...

This is tragic. Many today who profess to love God hate His people. Many "Christians" have embraced a horrible doctrine called "Replacement Theology". It states God is finished with Israel. What nonsense. God made an everlasting Covenant with the Jews. One day, the Jewish Messiah will return to Israel to rule and reign the earth from Jerusalem. So, a myth is being shouted that says the land belongs to the Palestinians, but God keeps His promises.

God cannot lie. How can lies and myths be presented as truth and people believe them? The Nazis propaganda machine said if you told a lie big enough and kept repeating it, people would eventually believe it. Fact: The Jews were promised 120,000 square kilometres of land by the British after WWI. After WWII they were offered 12,000 square kilometres. They accepted and declared independence on May 14, 1948.

A myth is a lie imposed on people who don't know what the truth is. One myth the world has embraced is that Israel is aggressively attempting to steal land. Did you know that in 1973 Israel was attacked by 14 Middle Eastern and North African nations? They fought back, won, and offered land for peace...multiple times. The Palestinians refused every offer.

Israel is not an occupier. They left Gaza in 2005. The Palestinians chose Hamas as their government. It could have been a beautiful resort area, instead, the money given to the government was used to build tunnels and weaponize the land. The Palestinians have been used as human shields - pawns by those wanting to destroy Israel. Israel has said, if their enemies laid down their weapons there would be peace in the Middle East. If Israel laid down their weapons, they would be annihilated. Interestingly, the IDF stands for Israeli Defence Force. They are about defence, life...not offence. So, why is there such a savage agenda against Israel? Because Satan wants there to be no Israel for Jesus to come back to...

Myth - The Palestinians are an ancient people who historically lived in the land of Israel.

Fact - The Quran never mentions Palestine once, but mentions Israel 43 times (Bani Israel, sons of Israel), and says that Allah has ordained the holy land for them! Interesting...

Here are more facts.

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Israel is fighting for it's survival - and also for you. If Israel loses, democracy is destroyed, and you are the next target. Here's another interesting thought...

Jesus was not a Palestinian. He is a Jew. Because God owns the land of Israel, He decides who lives on it. It is clear from the Bible God gave the land as an eternal possession to the Jews. As stewards, they must follow His conditions. They have no right to give the land to others. There is so much more one can say. For more information please see this video. I would love to hear your comments. 

Blessings, Beloved of God.

Psalm 122:6 "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who love you be secure."

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1 Comment

Aug 24, 2024

Thank you for such an enlightening message.

I appreciate the time and effort in contributing to fact vs lies.

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